Uniting Industry Pioneers to Illuminate the Past, Elevate the Present, and Shape the Future of Dietary Supplements

NutraIngredients-USA’s DSHEA at 30 Summit, in association with the United Natural Products Alliance (UNPA), will consist of 3 hours of content and bring together the architects of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), prominent industry figures. The program aims to delve into the historical, current, and future aspects of the US dietary supplements industry.

The three panel discussion topics are:


Our initial panel discussion will delve into the origins of DSHEA, exploring the driving forces behind its creation, the key figures and factors that influenced the crafting of the law, the compromises that were necessary in its development, and the evolution of the language within DSHEA and its relevance in the present context.


Our second panel discussion will explore the contemporary landscape, assessing how DSHEA holds up in a world marked by rapid scientific and technological advancements. We will examine the current state of the industry, identifying areas of success and pinpointing opportunities for improvement – a report card for the industry. Additionally, we'll analyze the immediate effects of the FDA's reorganization on dietary supplements.


Our concluding session will explore the industry’s future trajectory in the context of escalating calls for the modernization of dietary supplement regulations. Which areas need to be modernized? How can federal enforcement be strengthened? If we’re looking for a new initiative, what does FDA want beyond a mandatory product list? What does industry want, and what is it will to discuss? Is it possible to reach a consensus to address the challenges of the next 30 years with regulations that work for the industry, the regulators, and for consumers?

Our Speakers include:

Be in the room to hear from the people who were actually in the room during the passage and implementation of DSHEA!

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What is DSHEA?

In October 1994, President Bill Clinton signed the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act into law. Of course, vitamins pills and herbal products had been around for decades (and longer), but DSHEA created the modern industry. For the first time, it legally defined what a dietary supplement is (and is not). It clearly stated that dietary supplements were a sub-class of food and that dietary ingredients are not food additives. It created a framework for innovation and the development of New Dietary Ingredients (NDI). Furthermore, it outlined the need for quality standards (cGMPs).

The law opened the gates to 30 years of growth, going from 4,000 products and $4 billion in 1994 to 100,000+ products and an estimated value of $60 billion today. DSHEA has stood the test of time, but it isn’t perfect and not without its critics and opponents.

In April 2019, NutraIngredients-USA.com sat down with the two key architects, Scott Bass and Loren Israelsen, of the actual law to tell the story, click here to watch the full interview .

To learn more about DSHEA, click here.